Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
User Guide
1-800-4 NORTEL
© 1999 Nortel Networks
P0908542 Issue 01
Using a handsfree telephone with Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager 9
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Transferring a call with an announcement using the right mouse
button 43
menu 43
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
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P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Displaying the information about Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager 81
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager is a TAPI-based (Telephony Application
Programming Interface) application that provides an easy to use computer interface
for your telephone.
With Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager you can:
make calls
redial telephone numbers
return calls
answer calls
put calls on and off hold
manage multiple calls
transfer calls
conference calls
activate and de-activate Do Not Disturb
call forward your telephone
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager also has an Address Book that allows you
to store the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of your contacts on your
computer where they are easy to find and use.
Using a handsfree telephone with Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager is a tool designed to accompany your
telephone. It provides tools to make processing calls easier, but you must still use
your telephone to speak with the caller. For this reason, we recommend that you use
a telephone equipped with handsfree. When using a handsfree telephone, you can
perform all of the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager functions without picking
up the telephone handset.
About this guide
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager provides several ways to perform each task.
Although this document describes all of the possible methods, you only need to use
one of the methods to perform the task.
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10 About this guide
Installing Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager must be installed on your computer before
you can use it. The files required to install Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
are on the Enterprise Edge server.
To install Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager:
1. Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2. Click the Start button, point to Find and then click Computer.
The Find: Computer dialog box appears.
3. Type the name of the Enterprise Edge server, or select the Enterprise Edge
server from the list.
If you do not know the name of the Enterprise Edge server, ask your System
4. Click the Find Now button.
The Enterprise Edge server icon appears in the list below.
5. Double-click the Enterprise Edge server icon.
The Enterprise Edge server window opens.
6. Double-click the NortelDT folder.
7. Double-click the Voice Director folder.
8. Double-click the Setup.exe file.
9. Follow the instructions on the display to complete the installation.
Starting Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
You can start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager from the shortcut icon on the
desktop or from the Windows Start button.
To start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager from the shortcut icon:
1. Double-click
To start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager using the Start button:
1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager and then click Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
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About this guide 11
The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager introduction screen appears briefly.
The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon is added to the task tray and task
bar, and the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window appears.
Note: When you install Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager, the shortcut icon
is installed by default.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icons
When Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager starts up, two icons are added to the
screen: the taskbar icon and the task tray icon. These two icons have different tasks.
The taskbar icon opens the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window.
The task tray icon gives you access to Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
functions when you are using another program. The diagram below shows where
these icons are located.
Taskbar icon
Task tray icon
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray
The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon
the task tray.
appears on the right side of
When you move the mouse pointer over the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
icon, the number of current calls is displayed. The number displayed includes the
active call, conference calls and calls on hold.
When you right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon, a menu
appears that allows you to exit from Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager, set
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager options, or open the Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager main window. The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
main window provides access to additional features such as the Address Book.
When you click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon, the task tray menu
appears. From the task tray menu you can perform most basic call functions, such
as making and answering calls, putting calls on hold, transferring calls and
conferencing calls.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
12 Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu
The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu is divided into two main
sections. The lower portion of the menu contains the following call control options:
Callers List - a list of the telephone numbers of the last ten calls
Redial List - a list of the last ten telephone numbers you dialed
Quick Dials - a group of telephone numbers you want quick access to
Transfer - allows you to transfer the active call to another telephone
Manual Dial - allows you to call someone by entering their telephone number
on the computer keyboard
DND - turns the Do Not Disturb feature on or off
The upper portion of the menu contains the current calls. Each of these calls has an
icon beside it to indicate the status of the call. If there are currently no calls, the
upper portion of the menu does not appear.
Active Call
Appears beside the call you are currently on.
Appears beside calls that are on hold. Any call that is not
active is on hold.
Held Call
Appears beside the two calls that you are connected to
when you are on a conference call.
Conference Call
Held Conference
Appears beside conference calls that are on hold.
Appears beside calls that are ringing.
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Opening the main window 13
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main
From the main window you can perform all of the functions of the Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager task tray icon as well as access the Address Book, the Help
files and Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager setup.
Opening the main window
When you start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager, the main window appears.
If you do not want the main window to appear when you start Enterprise Edge
change this option, the main window is minimized to an icon on the taskbar when
you start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager. You can also minimize the main
window at anytime by clicking on the minimize button in the top right corner of the
To maximize the main window:
click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon in the taskbar
right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon in the task tray and
click Open.
Components of the main window
The Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window shows the following:
the Menu bar
the toolbar
the address book
the current calls
the status bar
All of these components, except the Menu bar, can be turned on or off to suit your
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14 Components of the main window
Menu Bar
Address Book
Current Calls
Status Bar
Tree View
Calls box
List View
Conference box
Menu bar
The Menu bar shows the menus available from the main window. From these menus
you can access all of the features available from Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager. The Menu bar is always visible on the main window.
One of the menus on the Menu bar is the Calls menu. The items on the Calls menu
are identical to the items on the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray
The toolbar contains several buttons that provide quick and easy access to
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager functions.
Displaying the toolbar
To display the toolbar:
1. Click the View menu and then click Toolbar.
The toolbar toggles between being displayed and not being displayed. When
the toolbar is set to be displayed, ✔ appears beside the Toolbar menu item in
the View menu.
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Components of the main window 15
Using the toolbar
The toolbar buttons provide access to commonly used features.
Exits from the current directory and moves one level up in the
contact tree.
Up One Level
New Folder
New Contact
Adds a new folder to the Address Book.
Adds a new contact to the Address Book.
Copies the selected folder or contact onto the clipboard and
deletes it.
Copies the selected folder or contact onto the clipboard.
Copies the folder or contact stored on the clipboard to the
selected folder.
Displays the Address Properties dialog box if a contact is
selected or the Folder Property dialog box if a folder is selected.
Prints information about the currently selected contact.
If a folder is selected, prints information about all of the contacts
in the folder.
Displays the folders and contacts in the Address Book in large
Large Icons
Small Icons
Displays the folders and contacts in the Address Book in small
Displays the folders and contacts in the Address Book in small
icons organized in vertical columns.
Displays the folders and contacts in the Address Book in a report
view format. In this format the icon, first name, last name,
telephone numbers, and email information of the contact
Displays the Search dialog box. The Search dialog box is used to
find a particular contact within the Address Book.
Find Person
Calls Log
Displays the Calls Log Window. This window shows all of the
calls made or received while Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager was operating.
Displays a dialog box containing information about the
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager software such as the
software version.
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16 Components of the main window
Address Book
The Address Book is a list of all the contacts stored in Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager. The Address Book consists of two parts:
the Tree View which shows the structure of your folders
the List View which shows the folders and contacts stored in the currently
selected folder
Displaying the Address Book
To display the Address Book:
1. Click the View menu and then click Only Address Book to display only the
Address Book.
1. Click the View menu and then click Both Address Book and Calls to display
both the Address Book and the Current Calls.
The symbol • appears beside the current selection.
Current Calls
The Current Calls section of the screen shows which calls are active. The Current
Calls section consists of two parts:
the Calls box which shows the calls that are currently on your telephone
the Conference box which shows the conference calls that are currently on your
Displaying the Current Calls
To display the Current Calls:
1. Click the View menu and then click Only Calls to display only the Current
1. Click the View menu and then click Both Address Book and Calls to display
both the Address Book and the Current Calls.
The symbol • appears beside the current selection.
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Components of the main window 17
Current Calls icons
There are several icons that are used in the Current Calls section. Each icon is used
to represent a call. The icons also show the status of the calls.
Active Call
Held Call
Appears beside the call you are on.
Appears beside calls that are on hold. Any call that is not
active is on hold.
Appears beside the two calls that you are connected to
when you are on a conference call.
Conference Call
Held Conference
Appears beside conference calls that are on hold.
Appears beside the calls that are ringing.
Current Calls Toolbar
Above the Calls box and the Conference box are toolbars that you use to control the
calls or change how the calls are displayed.
Displays the Dial dialog box. This dialog box allows you to call
Manual Dial
someone who is not in the Address Book.
Hangs up the selected call. If only there is only one call, that call
is automatically selected.
Large Icons
Small Icons
Displays the current calls or conference calls in large icons.
Displays the current calls or conference calls in small icons.
Displays the current calls or conference calls in small icons
organized in vertical columns.
Displays the current calls or conference calls in a report view
format. In this format the icon, caller’s name, telephone number
and call duration appears. The duration is a running count of
how many minutes the call has been connected.
Displays the Notes tab of the Address Properties dialog box for
the selected call. If the selected call is not in the Address book, a
message appears asking if you want to add this caller.
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18 Closing the main window
Status bar
The Status bar is at the bottom of the screen and provides four information message
Help messages – Shows a help message, if available, for the area the mouse
pointer is pointing on. For example, if the pointer is on one of the buttons on the
toolbar, the message describes what the button does.
Line used – Identifies which telephone line is being used by Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager.
DND – The acronym DND appears if the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature is
turned on for your telephone.
Call Forward – Indicates if Call Forward is activated, and to which number your
telephone is call forwarded.
Help messages
Line used
DND Call Forward
Displaying the Status bar
To display the Status bar:
1. Click the View menu and then click Status Bar.
The Status bar toggles between being displayed and not being displayed.
When the Status bar is set to be displayed, ✔ appears beside the Status Bar
menu item.
Closing the main window
To close the main window, click the minimize button in the top right corner of the
window. The main window is minimized to an icon on the taskbar.
When you close the main window, call control features are still available from the
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon in the task tray.
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Defining the line used 19
Setting up Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
Before you can use Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager you must choose the
TAPI line that will be used and define the dialing properties.
Defining the line used
If there are several lines available, you can choose which line Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager uses to make calls. To choose a line:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Dial Using.
The Choose a TAPI Line dialog box appears.
2. Click the TAPI Line list box.
3. Click the line Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager uses.
4. Click the Address list box.
5. Click the address for the line you chose.
6. Click the OK button.
Note: When using the Enterprise Edge TSP, the name of the TAPI line is the same
as the extension name for your telephone.
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20 Changing the dialing properties
Changing the dialing properties
You use the Dialing Properties to define where you are situated and what is required
to dial from this location. To access dialing properties:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Dialing Properties.
The Dialing Properties dialog box appears.
From the Dialing Properties dialog box you can control these options:
the location you are dialing from (I am dialing from)
the country you are in (I am in this country)
the area code you are dialing from (Area Code)
if you are using a calling card (Use a calling card for long distance)
the number used to disable Call Waiting (Disable call waiting by dialing)
access to lines (To access an outside lines)
the type of dialing system (Dial using)
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Changing the dialing properties 21
I am dialing from
Use the I am dialing from list box to save different sets of dialing properties. You
can use I am dialing from when you have a computer (such as a laptop) that you use
at different locations. You can save the settings for the different locations under
different names in the I am dialing from list box. You can then quickly change to
the new settings when you switch locations.
For example, you may have a laptop computer that you use at both the north and
south locations. If the north and south locations have different dialing requirements
(such as call waiting in the north but not in the south), you can set up two different
sets of dialing properties in the I am dialing from list box. Then, when you switch
locations, you can change the dialing properties by changing the name that appears
in the I am dialing from list box.
Creating a new location
When you create a new location, you are creating the name that is used to access the
new set of dialing properties. After you create the location, any changes made to
Dialing Properties dialog box are saved with this name.
To create a new location:
1. Click the New button.
A dialog box appears confirming that a new location was created.
2. Select the text in the I am dialing from list box.
3. Type the name of the new location.
4. Change the other parameters on the Dialing Properties dialog box to match
the dialing properties required for this location.
These fields are described later in this section.
5. Click the Apply button to store the changes with the new location.
Selecting a location
When you select a location, all of the dialing properties are changed to the settings
that are stored for that location.
To select a location:
1. Click the button in the I am dialing from list box.
A list of locations appears.
2. Click the location you are currently at.
The dialing properties are changed to the setting stored for this location.
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22 Changing the dialing properties
Deleting a location
When you no longer need a location, you can delete it from the list of locations.
To delete a location:
1. Click the button in the I am dialing from list box.
The list of locations appears.
2. Click the location you want to delete.
3. Click the Remove button.
A confirm deletion dialog box appears.
4. Click the Yes button.
I am in this country
This field defines the country of the you are currently in.
To select a country:
1. Click the I am in this country list box.
2. Scroll through the list of countries.
3. Click the country you are in.
Tip: You can scroll quickly through the list of countries by typing the first few
letters of the country’s name. As you type, the list finds the country that
matches the letters you type.
Area Code
The Area Code box defines the area code you are currently in. Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager uses the number in this field to determine if a call is a local
call (to the same area code) or a long distance call.
To enter an area code:
1. Select the characters in the Area Code box and type the area code.
In some locations, the area code must always be added when dialing a telephone
number. To make Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager include the area code,
select the I always have to dial the area code before the phone number check
Dialing Rules
In some locations, calls within the same area code are considered long distance
calls. These calls require the country code and area code (e.g. 1-403) to be added to
the front of the telephone number before they are dialed.
The Dialing Rules feature allows you to define the prefixes (e.g. 222-xxxx) that are
long distance calls in your area code.
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Changing the dialing properties 23
To set the prefixes that are long distance:
1. Click the Dialing Rules button.
The Dialing Rules dialog box appears.
To add a prefix that is considered long distance
1. Click the New button located in the top half of the dialog box.
The New Area Code and Prefix dialog box appears.
2. Type the prefix and click the OK button.
To delete a prefix that is considered long distance
1. Click the prefix you want to delete.
2. Click the Remove button.
To add a prefix that is considered local
1. Click the New button located in the bottom half of the dialog box.
The New Area Code and Prefix dialog box appears.
2. Type the prefix and click the OK button.
To delete a prefix that is considered local
1. Click the prefix you want to delete.
2. Click the Remove button.
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24 Changing the dialing properties
Use a calling card for long distance
Select this check box if you want to use a calling card for long distance telephone
numbers. The Calling Card button lets you define which calling card you are using.
To use a calling card:
1. Select the Use calling card for long distance check box.
If you have previously set up a calling card, the settings for that calling card
are used.
To stop using a calling card:
1. Clear the Use calling card for long distance check box.
Setting up a calling card
You must set up the calling card parameters before you can use a calling card. To
set up a calling card:
1. Click the Calling Card button.
The Calling Card dialog box appears.
2. Click the list box at the top of the dialog box.
3. Scroll through the list to find the calling card you are using and then click the
calling card.
4. In the Calling Card Phone Number box, type the calling card telephone
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Changing the dialing properties 25
5. In the PIN number box, type the calling card PIN number.
6. Click the OK button.
Adding a custom calling card
The dialing parameters for some calling cards are already configured in Enterprise
Edge Personal Call Manager and appear in the list of calling cards. If the calling
card you are using is not on the list of cards, you must set up how to use your calling
To add a custom calling card:
1. Click the Calling Card button.
The Calling Card dialog box appears.
2. Click the New button.
The Create New Calling Card dialog box appears.
3. Type the name of the calling card and click the OK button.
A message appears informing you that you must set up the dialing rules for
the new calling card.
4. Click the OK button.
5. In the Calling Card Phone Number box, type the calling card number.
6. In the PIN number box, type your calling card PIN number.
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26 Changing the dialing properties
7. Click the Long Distance Usage button.
A second Calling Card dialog box appears.
8. Click the first Dial list box and then click the first set of numbers that must be
9. Click the next Dial list box and then click the next set of numbers to be dialed.
Repeat step 9 until you have completed all of the steps needed to make a call
using your calling card.
Note: Refer to the documentation that came with your calling card for the
sequence of steps that are required with your card.
10. When all of the required steps are added, click the OK button.
11. Click the International Usage button.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 to add the steps required to make an international call.
13. Click the OK button to return to the Dialing Properties dialog box.
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Changing the dialing properties 27
Disable call waiting by dialing
If call waiting is available for the current location, use this field to define the
numbers required to disable call waiting. Your telephony application uses these
numbers to disable call waiting when required.
To enter the numbers required to disable call waiting:
1. Select the Disable call waiting by dialing check box.
2. From the Disable call waiting by dialing list box select the appropriate
disable call waiting code.
If the appropriate code does not appear in the list, type the disable call waiting
code in the list box.
To identify that call waiting is not used, clear the Disable call waiting by dialing
check box.
To access outside lines
There are two boxes for accessing outside lines. The first box is for the digits
required to access local numbers and the second box is for the digits required to
access long distance lines. These access numbers are required if you are using a line
pool or call routing to make calls. These numbers are the same numbers you dial if
you are making an outside call from your telephone.
If you do not dial an extra number (e.g. 9) when making a call from your telephone,
leave these boxes blank.
To change the outside line access numbers:
1. In the for long distance box, type the number required to access an outside
line for a long distance call.
2. In the for local box, type the number required to access an outside line for a
local call.
Dial using
Use these options to choose tone dialing signals or pulse dialing signals when
making a call. To select pulse dialing, click the Pulse dial option. To select tone
dialing, click the Tone dial option.
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28 Defining long distance numbers in your area code
Defining long distance numbers in your area code
In some locations, calls within the same area code are considered long distance
calls. These calls require the country code and area code (e.g. 1-403) to be added to
the front of the telephone number before they can be dialed.
The Toll Prefixes feature allows you to define the prefixes (e.g. 222-xxxx) that are
long distance calls in your area code.
To define toll prefixes:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Toll Prefixes.
The Toll Prefixes dialog box appears.
2. From the list of prefixes in the Local phone numbers select the prefix that
requires an area code added.
3. Click the Add-> button.
4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each prefix that requires an area code added.
Note: If you add a prefix to the Dial first list that does not require an area
code, remove it by clicking the prefix and clicking the <-Remove
5. When you have finished moving all of the prefixes that require an area code,
click the OK button.
The Toll Prefixes dialog box closes.
The Toll Prefixes feature is available only if the country you choose in the Dialing
Properties dialog box has a country code of 1. For more information about dialing
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
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Making a call using the Address Book 29
Making a call
Using Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager, you can make a call using the Calls
menu, the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu, the toolbar, or
the Address Book. When you make a call, the Ringing icon appears in the Calls box,
the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu and the Calls menu.
When the call is answered, the icon changes to the Active Call icon. Both the
Ringing and the Active icons have a label that is used to identify the call.
If you make a call using the Address Book, the name in the Address Book is used
as the label for the call.
If you manually dial the telephone number, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
compares the number dialed to the numbers stored in the Address Book. If a match
is found, the name from the Address Book is used as the label. If no match is found,
the number dialed is used as the label.
Making a call using the Address Book
Before you can call a number from the Address Book, you must add the number to
the Address Book. For more information about adding numbers to the Address
To make a call using the right mouse button:
1. Look in the Address Book to find the icon of the person you want to call.
2. Right-click the icon. point to Dial and click the telephone number you want to
dial for the person (e.g. the contact’s Business number).
You can use the drag and drop feature to make a call. To make a call using the drag
and drop method:
1. Look in the Address Book to find the icon of the person you want to call.
2. Use the right mouse button to drag the icon into the Calls box.
3. Click the telephone number you want to dial for the person (e.g. the contact’s
Business number).
To call the prime telephone number using the Address Book:
1. Look in the Address Book to find the icon of the person you want to call.
2. Make the call by double-clicking on the icon or dragging the icon to the Calls
Note: When you add a contact, you define one of the telephone numbers as the
prime number.
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30 Making a call using the task tray or Calls menu
Making a call using the task tray or Calls menu
To make a call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the Calls
menu and then click Manual Dial.
The Dial dialog box appears.
2. Type the telephone number you want to dial.
If you have the Search Option set to Fast Search, Enterprise Edge Personal
Call Manager compares the number you are entering to the contacts stored in
the Address Book. Any contacts that match the numbers you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. To dial one of these contacts, click the
contact you want to call. The default number appears in the Phone Number
Type list box. To choose a different number, from the Phone Number Type
list box select Business, Home, or Mobile.
3. Click the Dial button.
If you want to call a contact in the Address Book and you remember only the
contact’s name, enter the contact’s name in the Enter Phone Number or Name
box. If you are using Fast Search, any contacts that match the name you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. If you are using Slow Search you must click
the Find Now button to find the contacts.
For more information about Search Options, refer to Changing the Search
Tip: You can open the Dial dialog box using two other methods:
1. Press the F3 key.
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the Calls
menu, point to Quick Dials and then click Other.
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Making a call using the toolbar 31
Making a call using the toolbar
To make a call using the toolbar:
1. Click
The Dial dialog box appears.
2. Enter the telephone number you want to dial.
If you have the Search Option set to Fast Search, Enterprise Edge Personal
Call Manager compares the number you are entering to the contacts stored in
the Address Book. Any contacts that match the number you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. To dial one of these contacts, click the
contact you want to call. The default number appears in the Phone Number
Type list box. To choose a different number, from the Phone Number Type
list box select Business, Home, or Mobile.
3. Click the Dial button.
If you want to call a contact in the Address Book and you remember only the
contact’s name, enter the contact’s name. If you are using Fast Search, any contacts
that match the name you are entering appear in the bottom of the dialog box. If you
are using Slow Search you must click the Find Now button to find the contacts.
For more information about Search Options, refer to Changing the Search
Tip: You can open the Dial dialog box using two other methods:
1. Press the F3 key.
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the Calls
menu, point to Quick Dials and then click Other.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
32 Redialing a number
Redialing a number
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager keeps a list of the last ten telephone
numbers you called. The most recent call is at the top of the list and the oldest call
is at the bottom. When there are ten calls on the list and you make another call, the
new call is added to the top of the list and the oldest call is deleted. If you call a
number that is on the list, the number does not appear on the list a second time. The
number is moved from its previous location to the top of the list.
To redial one of the last ten telephone numbers:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon or the Calls menu
and then point to Redial List.
2. Click the number you want to redial.
Returning a call
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager keeps a list of the telephone numbers of the
last ten people who called you. The Callers List shows both the calls you answered
and the calls you were unable to answer. You can use this list to return the calls.
The calls on the Callers List are numbered from one to ten. Call number one is the
most recent call and is stored at the top of the list. Call number ten is the oldest call
and is stored at the bottom of the list. When there are ten calls on the list and you
receive another call, the new call is added to the top of the list and the oldest call is
deleted. If you receive a call from a number that is on the list, the number does not
appear on the list twice. The number is moved from its previous location to the top
of the list.
Telephone numbers appear on the Callers List if:
you subscribe to a Caller ID (CLID) service.
you receive an internal call through Enterprise Edge.
To return a call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu and then point to Callers List.
2. Click the number of the person you want to call.
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Calling from the Quick Dial list 33
Calling from the Quick Dial list
Before you can call a number from the Quick Dial list, you must add the number to
the Quick Dials. For more information about Quick Dials, refer to Quick Dials on
To call one of the numbers from the Quick Dial list using the Address Book:
1. Click the Quick Dials icon in the Tree View portion of the Address Book.
The icons of all the Quick Dials appear in the List View of the Address Book.
2. Drag the icon of the contact you want to call into the Calls box.
To call one of the numbers from the Quick Dial list using the Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager task tray or Calls menu:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu and then point to Quick Dials.
2. Click the icon of the person you want to call.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
34 Knowing when someone is calling
Answering a call
Knowing when someone is calling
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager notifies you when there is an incoming call.
When someone calls you, the You Have a New Call dialog box appears, and the
Ringing icon appears in the Calls box, the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
task tray menu and the Calls menu. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, or you
are receiving an internal call through Enterprise Edge, the name or number of the
caller appears below the icon and in the You Have a New Call dialog box.
Knowing who is calling
When a call is made or received, an icon appears in the Calls box, Calls menu, and
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu. These icons are given a
label to help identify who is on the call. The information on the label depends on
several factors.
If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
compares the received number to the numbers stored in the Address Book. If a
match is found, the name from the Address Book appears with the Active Call icon.
If a match is not found, the name sent with the Caller ID information appears. If a
match is not found and a name is not sent with the Caller ID information, the
telephone number appears.
If no Caller ID information is available, or you do not subscribe to this service, the
word Unknown is used as the label.
Internal calls show the name of the contact stored in the Address Book if available.
When there is no name for the caller in the Address Book, the Enterprise Edge
extension name appears.
Displaying who is calling from the task tray
When you click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon in the task tray, the
current calls appears at the top of the menu. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service
or you are receiving an internal call through Enterprise Edge, the name or number
of the caller appears beside the icon. To perform a function on one of the current
calls, point at the name or number of the caller and a menu appears.
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Answering a call using the You Have a New Call dialog box 35
Answering a call using the You Have a New Call dialog box
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager displays the You Have a New Call dialog
box when you receive a call.
If you subscribe to Caller ID services, information about the caller is displayed in
the You Have a New Call dialog box. If the caller is one of the contacts in your
Address Book, the name, telephone number, type of call, department, and Company
appear on the dialog box. Also, a small picture appears in the dialog box and a voice
announce message plays, if you assigned them when you added the contact. For
more information about adding contacts to the Address Book, refer to Adding a new
contact to the Address Book on page 56. If the Caller is not one of your contacts,
the name and/or telephone number and call type appears.
To answer a call using the You Have a New Call dialog box:
1. Click the Answer button.
Note: The Cancel button cancels only the You Have a New Call dialog box,
not the call. If you click the Cancel button, the You Have a New Call
dialog box closes but the call continues to ring on your telephone.
Answering a call from the main window
To answer the call:
1. Double-click the Ringing icon.
The icon changes to the Active Call icon and the call is answered.
1. Right-click the Ringing icon in the Calls box and then click Answer.
Answering a call from the task tray or Calls menu
To answer a call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the Calls
menu and then point to the label of the call.
2. Click Answer.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
36 Accessing the Notes tab
Accessing the Notes tab
After you have answered the call, you can display the Notes tab of the Address
Properties dialog box. Use the Notes tab to record information about the contact,
such as recent orders, meeting locations, etc. For instructions about adding
To display the Notes tab:
1. Click the icon of the caller.
2. Click
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P0908542 Issue 01
Putting a call on hold using the main window 37
Putting a call on hold
When a call is put on hold, the icon for the call changes from the Active Call icon
to the Held Call icon. For information about the various icons, refer to Enterprise
Putting a call on hold using the main window
To put a call on hold:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Right-click the icon of the call in the Calls box and then click Hold.
Putting a call on hold using the task tray or Calls menu
To put a call on hold:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to the call you want to put on hold and click Hold.
Answering a held call using the main window
To answer a held call:
1. Right-click the icon of the call in the Calls box and then click UnHold.
Answering a held call using the task tray or Calls menu
To answer a held call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon or the Calls menu
and then point to the caller you want to talk to.
2. Click UnHold.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
38 Switching between calls using the main window
Multiple calls
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager can control several calls at once. The
maximum number of calls is equal to the maximum number of lines available. All
of the calls currently connected appear on the Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager task tray menu, the Calls menu, and the main window.
Although several calls can be controlled, only one call can be active at any time,
except if you have a conference. In a conference, you can have two active calls.
When you answer a held call, the currently active call is automatically put on hold.
This allows you to switch between held calls simply by answering the caller you
want to talk to.
Switching between calls using the main window
On the main window, the currently connected calls appear in the Calls box. The
currently active call shows the Active Call icon while the rest of the calls show the
Held Call icon.
To switch to a different call:
1. Double-click the icon of the caller you want to talk to.
1. Right-click the icon of the caller you want to talk to and then click UnHold.
Switching between calls using the task tray and Call menus
On the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu and the Calls menu,
the currently connected calls appear at the top of the menu. The currently active call
shows the Active Call icon while the rest of the calls show the Held Call icon.
To switch to a different call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to the caller you want to talk to and then click UnHold.
The caller you point to becomes the active call and the other call is put on
Transferring a call
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager allows you to transfer a call to a different
telephone. You can transfer the call with an announcement or without. With an
announcement, you are calling the person you are transferring the call to before you
transfer the call. Use announcements to inform the person who the caller is and why
they are calling.
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Transferring a call without an announcement 39
Note: Transferring your telephone to an external telephone number is not
Transferring a call without an announcement
When you transfer a call without an announcement, you are transferring without
checking if the person is available to answer the call. This is also known as a blind
Transferring a call using the main window
To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Drag the icon of the call to another call icon in the Calls box or to a contact
icon in the Address Book.
If you are transferring the call to a contact in the Address Book, the contact
must be showing in the List View portion of the Address Book. For
information about finding a contact, see Finding a contact in the Address
Transferring a call using the right mouse button
You can use the right mouse button and the icons on the main window to transfer a
call. To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Right-click the icon in the Calls box and then point to Transfer.
A menu of the current calls appears.
3. Click one of the current calls.
The call is transferred to the person selected.
If the person you want to transfer the call to does not appear on the list of
current calls, perform steps 4 and 5.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
40 Transferring a call without an announcement
4. Click Other.
The Transfer dialog box appears.
5. Type the telephone number of the person you want to transfer the call to and
click the Transfer button.
The call is transferred to the number entered.
Tip: If Fast Search is enabled, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager compares
the telephone number you are entering to the contacts stored in the Address
Book. Any contacts that match the numbers you are entering appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
Tip: If you want to call a contact that is in the Address Book and you remember
only the contact’s name, type the contact’s name.
If Fast Search is enabled, any contacts that match the name you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click
the Transfer button.
If Slow Search is enabled, you must enter the name and then click the Find
Now button. Any contacts that match the name you entered appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
For information about Fast and Slow Search, see Changing the Search
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Transferring a call without an announcement 41
Transferring a call using the task tray or Calls menu
To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu and then point to Transfer.
A menu of the current calls appears.
3. Click one of the current calls.
The call is transferred to the person selected.
If the person you want to transfer the call to does not appear on the list of
current calls, perform steps 4 and 5.
4. Click Other.
The Transfer dialog box appears.
5. Type the telephone number of the person you want to transfer the call to and
click the Transfer button.
The call is transferred to the number entered.
Tip: If Fast Search is enabled, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager compares
the telephone number you are entering to the contacts stored in the Address
Book. Any contacts that match the numbers you are entering appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
Tip: If you want to call a contact that is in the Address Book and you only
remember the contact’s name, type the contact’s name.
If Fast Search is enabled, any contacts that match the name you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click
the Transfer button.
If Slow Search is enabled, you must enter the name and then click the Find
Now button. Any contacts that match the name you entered appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
For information about Fast and Slow Search, see Changing the Search
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
42 Transferring a call without an announcement
Transferring a call using the keyboard
You can use the keyboard and the icons on the main window to transfer a call. To
transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Click the icon in the Calls box.
3. Press the F4 key.
The Transfer dialog box appears.
4. Enter the telephone number of the person you want to transfer the call to and
click the Transfer button. The call is transferred to the number entered.
Tip: If Fast Search is enabled, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager compares
the telephone number you are entering to the contacts stored in the Address
Book. Any contacts that match the numbers you are entering appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
Tip: If you want to call a contact that is in the Address Book and you remember
only the contact’s name, type the contact’s name.
If Fast Search is enabled, any contacts that match the name you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click
the Transfer button.
If Slow Search is enabled, you must enter the name and then click the Find
Now button. Any contacts that match the name you entered appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Transfer
For information about Fast and Slow Search, see Changing the Search
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
Transferring a call with an announcement 43
Transferring a call with an announcement
When you transfer a call with an announcement, you are calling the person you are
transferring the call to before you transfer the call. Calling the person first allows
you to check if the person is available and give that person information about the
Transferring a call with an announcement using the main window
To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Put the call on hold.
3. Call the person you are transferring the call to.
4. Give the person any pertinent information about the call.
5. Drag the icon of the call you are transferring to the Active Call icon.
Transferring a call with an announcement using the right mouse button
You can use the right mouse button and the icons on the main window to transfer a
caller. To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Put the call on hold.
3. Call the person you are transferring the call to.
4. Give the person any pertinent information about the call.
5. Right-click the icon in the Calls box and point to Transfer.
A menu of the current calls appears.
6. Click the icon of the person you are transferring.
Transferring a call with an announcement using the task tray or Calls menu
To transfer a call:
1. Make or answer the call.
2. Put the call on hold.
3. Call the person you are transferring the call to.
4. Give the person any pertinent information about the call.
5. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu and then point to the Transfer menu item.
A menu of the current calls appears.
6. Click the icon of the person you are transferring (the first call you made or
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
44 Creating a conference
Conferencing a call
In a conference call you connect yourself and two other people onto a single call.
Creating a conference
To create a conference you must have at least two lines, one for each caller. These
two lines can be external lines or internal lines.
Creating a conference using the Conference box
To create a conference:
1. Make or answer the two calls you want to connect in a conference call.
2. Drag the icon of the first call from the Calls box to the Conference box.
3. Drag the icon of the second call from the Calls box to the Conference box.
The icons for the two calls change to Conference icons.
Creating a conference using the Calls box
To create a conference:
1. Make or answer the two calls to be connected in a conference call.
2. Right-click the icon of the first call to be connected in a conference call and
then click Conference.
3. Right-click the icon of the second call to be connected in a conference call and
then click Conference.
The icons for the two calls move to the Conference box and their icons change
to Conference icons.
Creating a conference using the task tray or Calls menu
To create a conference:
1. Make or answer the two calls to be connected in a conference call.
2. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the Calls
3. Point to the first call to be conferenced and then click Conference.
4. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu.
5. Point to the second call to be conferenced and then click Conference.
The icons for the two calls change to the Conference icon.
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Putting conferences call on hold 45
Putting conferences call on hold
When you put a conference on hold, both calls are put on hold. Neither caller can
speak to you but the two callers can speak to each other.
Putting the conference calls on hold using the main window
To put the conference calls on hold:
1. Right-click one of the calls in the Conference box and then click HoldConf.
The calls are put on hold and the icons change to Held Conference icons.
Putting conference calls on hold using the task tray or Calls menu
To put the conference calls on hold:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to one of the calls in the conference and then click
The calls are put on hold and the icons change to Held Conference icons.
Taking a conference off hold
There are two ways to take a conference off hold:
Restoring a held conference using the main window
To cancel hold on a conference:
1. Right-click one of the calls in the Conference box and then click
The calls in the conference become active and the icons change to Conference
Restoring a held conference using the task tray or Calls menu
To cancel hold on a conference:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to one of the calls in the conference and then click
The calls in the conference become active and the icons change to Conference
Splitting a conference
When you split a conference, the conference is ended, but both calls remain
connected. One of the callers becomes the active call and the other caller is put on
hold. The conference ends and the two callers can no longer speak to each other.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
46 Splitting a conference
Splitting a conference using the main window
To split a conference using the main window:
1. Drag one of the icons from the Conference box.
The call whose icon you remove from the Conference box becomes the active call
and the other call is put on hold. The icons for both calls move to the Calls box.
You can also use the right mouse button and the icons on the main window to split
a conference. To split a conference:
1. Right-click one of the icons in the Conference box and then click Split Conf.
The caller you select becomes the active call while the other caller is put on
hold. The icons for both calls move to the Calls box.
Splitting a conference using the task tray or Calls menu
To split a conference:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to the icon of one of the callers in the conference and then
click Split Conf.
The caller you select becomes the active call and the other caller is put on
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
Ending a conference 47
Ending a conference
When you end a conference, you remove yourself from the conference and let the
other two callers to continue to talk to each other. While the other callers are talking
to each other they are still using two of your telephone lines.
If you want to end the conference and disconnect both the callers, split the
conference and end each of the calls.
Ending a conference using the release button
To end a conference:
1. Click the icon of one of the conference calls in the Conference box.
2. In the Conference box, click
Ending a conference using the main window
To end a conference:
1. Right-click one of the icons in the Conference box and then click Release
The conference ends.
Ending a conference using the keyboard
To end a conference:
1. Click one of the icons in the Conference box.
2. Press the Delete key on your PC keyboard.
The conference ends.
Note: When you use the keyboard to end a call, make sure you click one of the
icons in the Conference Box before you press the Delete key. If you do not
and a contact in the Address Book is highlighted, the contact is deleted. To
retrieve a contact that is accidentally deleted, click the Edit menu and then
click Undo.
Ending a conference using the task tray or Calls menu
To end a conference:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or Calls
menu and then point to the icon of one of the calls in the conference.
2. Click Release Conf.
The conference ends.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
48 Ending a call using the release button
Ending a call
Ending a call using the release button
To end a call:
1. Click the icon of the call in the Calls box.
Note: If there is only one call in the Calls box, you do not need to select the
2. In the Calls box, click
Ending a call using the main window
To end a call:
1. Right-click the icon of the call in the Calls box and then click Release.
Ending a call using the task tray or Calls menu
To end a call:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu, point to the call you want to disconnect and then click Release.
Ending a call using the keyboard
To end a call using the keyboard, the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main
window must be visible.
To end a call:
1. Click the icon of the call in the Calls box.
2. Press the Delete key on your PC keyboard.
Note: When you use the keyboard to end a call, make sure you click the icon in the
Calls box before you press the Delete key. If you do not and a contact in the
Address Book is highlighted, the contact is deleted. To retrieve a contact
that is accidentally deleted, click the Edit menu and then click Undo.
Calling features
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager gives you easy access to two common
calling features: Do Not Disturb and Call Forward.
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P0908542 Issue 01
Do Not Disturb (DND) 49
Do Not Disturb (DND)
When DND is enabled, the telephone does not ring when someone calls, but the line
indicator flashes. In Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager, the You Have a New
Call dialog box appears and the icon for the call appears in the Calls box.
You can turn the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature on or off from the Calls menu or
the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager icon in the task tray.
Turning DND on or off
To turn DND on or off:
1. Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or the
Calls menu and then click DND.
When DND is on:
the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon changes to
a check mark appears beside the DND menu item on the Calls menu and the
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu
DND appears in the Status bar
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
50 Call Forward
Call Forward
To call forward your telephone:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Forward.
The Forward dialog box appears.
2. Type the telephone number you want to call forward your telephone to.
3. Click the Forward button.
Tip: If Fast Search is enabled, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager compares
the telephone number you are entering to the contacts stored in the Address
Book. Any contacts that match the numbers you are entering appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Forward
Tip: If you want to forward your telephone to a contact that is in the Address
Book and you remember only the contact’s name, enter the contact’s name.
If Fast Search is enabled, any contacts that match the name you are entering
appear in the bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click
the Forward button.
If Slow Search is enabled, you must type the name and then click the Find
Now button. Any contacts that match the name you enter appear in the
bottom of the dialog box. Click the contact you want and click the Forward
For information about Fast and Slow Search, see Changing the Search
Note: Call forwarding your telephone to an external telephone number is not
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P0908542 Issue 01
Viewing the Calls Log 51
Calls Log Window
The Calls Log consists of two parts: the Incoming Calls Log and the Outgoing Calls
Log. The Incoming Calls Log shows all of the calls that were made to your
telephone. The Outgoing Calls Log shows all of the calls you made from your
telephone. Calls made or received while Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
was not operating do not appear.
The Calls Log shows the name and telephone number of the caller, if available. The
Calls Log also shows the date and time the call was made and how long the call was.
Viewing the Calls Log
To view the Calls Log:
1. Click
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Show Call Log Window.
The Calls Log window appears with either the Incoming Calls showing or the
Outgoing Calls showing.
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52 Viewing the Calls Log
Viewing the Incoming Calls
To view the Incoming Calls:
1. Click
1. Click the View menu and then click Incoming Calls Log.
Viewing the Outgoing Calls
To view the Outgoing Calls:
1. Click
1. Click the View menu and then click Outgoing Calls Log.
Updating the Calls Log
If you make or answer a call while the Calls Log is open, the Calls Log is not
updated. To update the Calls Log:
1. Click
1. Click the View menu and then click Refresh.
Sorting the Calls Log
You can sort the Calls Log by name, telephone number, duration, or date and time.
To sort the Calls Log by the name of the caller, click Name.
To sort the Calls Log by the telephone number of the caller, click Phone No.
To sort the Calls Log by the length of the call, click Duration.
To sort the Calls Log by time the call was made or received, click Date & Time.
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Making a call from the Calls Log 53
Making a call from the Calls Log
You can call any of the numbers stored in the Incoming or Outgoing Call Log. To
make a call:
1. Click the number you want to dial.
2. Click
1. Click the number you want to dial.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Redial.
Printing call information from the Calls Log
You can print the Calls Log information for any call in the Calls Log.
To print the Calls Log information:
1. Click the call you want to print.
Note: You can select several calls to print by holding down the Control or
Shift key and clicking other calls.
2. Click
Click the Edit menu and then click Print.
Deleting calls from the Calls Log
To delete a call from the Calls Log:
1. Select the call you want to delete.
2. Click
1. Click the Edit menu and then click Delete.
Closing the Calls Log Window
To close the Calls Log Window:
1. Click the File menu and then click Exit.
You can also close the Calls Log Window by clicking the Close Window button in
the upper right corner of the window.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
54 The Tree View of the Address Book
Address Book
The Address Book is the portion of Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager where
you store telephone numbers and addresses of the people and businesses you deal
with. Each entry in the Address Book is called a contact. A contact is normally the
telephone number of a person or business, but it can be any number you want to
keep track of or store in Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
The Tree View of the Address Book
When you view the Address Book, the left side shows the tree structure of the
Address Book. The tree structure shows how the folders are organized. It also lets
you select the folder you want to view. A sample tree view appears below.
The contacts are stored in two main areas:
Quick Dials – Contacts added to the Quick Dials section appear on the Calls
menu and the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu. You can
add contacts to the Quick Dials section, but not folders.
My Contacts – Contacts added to the My Contacts section do not appear in the
Calls or Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu, but can easily
be accessed from the Address Book. In the My Contacts section, you can add
contacts and folders.
Folders are added to help organize the contacts. By grouping the contacts into
smaller groups of similar contacts, the contacts are easier to view on the screen and
easier to find and access.
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The List View portion of the Address Book 55
You can change which folders appear by clicking certain portions of the Tree View.
Clicking a box with “+” in it expands the folder and shows the folder’s contents.
Clicking a box with “-” in it collapses the folder and hides the folder’s contents.
Double-click a folder to open or close the folder. When a folder is open, the contents
of the folder appear in the List view portion of the Address Book.
The List View portion of the Address Book
On the right side of the screen is the List View of the Address Book. The List View
shows the contacts and folders stored in the folder selected in the Tree View.
The List View of the Address Book can be viewed in four different formats: large
icons, small icons, list, and detail.
Displaying the Address Book in large icons
If you select large icons, each contact appears with the last name of the contact
below the icon.
To view in large icons:
Click the View menu and then click Large Icon.
Displaying the Address Book in small icons
If you select small icons, the contacts appear horizontally with the last name of each
contact on the right of the icon.
To view in small icons:
Click the View menu and then click Small Icon.
Displaying the Address Book in list view
If you select list view, the contacts appear vertically with the last name of each
contact on the right of the icon.
To view in list view:
Click the View menu and then click List.
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56 Contacts
Displaying the Address Book in details view
If you select details view, the last name, first name, telephone numbers you can call
and Email Address and Email type are shown for each contact.
To view in details view:
Click the View menu and then click Detail.
A contact is any entry in the Address Book. A contact can be a person, business, or
any number or address you want stored in Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
Adding a new contact to the Address Book
You add contacts using the Address Properties dialog box.
To add a contact using the toolbar:
1. Click
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
2. Enter the address information for this contact.
For descriptions of the address fields, refer to Address Properties dialog box
3. Click the OK button.
Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message
appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a
The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book.
To add a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click in an open area in the List view portion of the Address Book.
2. Point to New and then click Contact.
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
3. Type the address information for this contact.
For descriptions of the address fields, refer to Address Properties dialog box
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Contacts 57
4. Click the OK button.
Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message
appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a
The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book.
To add a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Click the File menu, point to New and then click Contact.
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
2. Type the address information for this contact.
For descriptions of the address fields, refer to Address Properties dialog box
3. Click the OK button.
Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message
appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a
The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book.
Address Properties dialog box
The Address Properties dialog box has four tabs. Use each tab to enter different
types of contact information.
Business - Use this tab to enter the name, address, and telephone number of the
EMail Address - Use this tab to enter the e-mail address and type.
Settings - Use this tab to enter the default telephone number.
Note - Use this tab to enter any other information about the contact.
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58 Contacts
Use the Business tab to enter the name, address, and telephone number of a contact.
The first information you enter is the contact’s name. The contact’s name is divided
into the first name and the last name. Both the first name and the last name must be
entered before a contact can be added to the Address Book. The last name is used
as the label for the contact in the Address Book. The first name is used as the label
in the Calls box when you are on a call to the contact. When you search for a
contact, you can search using the first name or the last name.
After you enter the name you can enter the contact’s address. There are five
different boxes for the address: Address, City, State, Zip code, and Country.
After entering the address, you can enter the Title, Company, Department, Office,
and Assistant of the contact.
The final information to enter is the contact’s telephone numbers. The Phone
number box has a list box that allows you to enter four different telephone numbers.
You can enter the Business, Home, Mobile, and Fax telephone numbers for the
contact. Either the Business, Home, or Mobile telephone number can be dialed from
the task tray or the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window.
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60 Contacts
Use the Settings tab to select the dialing default used for the contact and the picture
displayed and voice announcement heard when this contact calls you.
For the default telephone number dialed, you can choose Business, Home, or
Mobile. The settings you specify define the telephone number automatically used
for this contact only. Other contacts are not affected by the defaults you choose for
this contact. You can choose to override these settings when making a call by
selecting any other telephone number defined for the contact in the Address Book.
You can select a voice announcement to play when you receive a call from this
contact. This voice announcement allows you to identify who is calling without
having to look at the computer screen or telephone display.
To add or change the voice announcement for this contact:
1. Record the voice announcement message you want to play when this contact
calls and save it in a .WAV file format. The message is typically the contact’s
name, but can be any.WAV file.
Note: You can record the voice announcement using the Sound Recorder
accessory included with Windows 95 or any other sound editing
2. Click
beside the Voice Announce File Path field.
3. Move to the folder where the voice announcement file is stored.
4. Double-click the voice announcement file you want to use.
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If you decide you no longer want a voice announcement for this contact, you can
remove the voice announcement from the contact.
To remove the voice announcement:
1. Click
beside the Voice Announce File Path field.
The voice announcement no longer plays for this contact.
Note: The .WAV file you delete from the contact is not deleted from the computer
hard drive and can be used again later.
You can select a bitmap image that displays on the You Have a New Call dialog box
when you receive a call from this contact. The image gives you a visual reminder
of who the caller is. The image is typically a bitmap picture (.BMP file) of the
contact, but can be any .BMP file that reminds you of the contact.
To add or change the bitmap image:
1. Create or find the image you want to display when this contact calls. You can
create this file with any graphics application that saves the image as a .BMP
2. Click
beside the Image File Path field.
3. Move to the folder where the image file is stored.
4. Double-click the image file you want to use.
If you decide you no longer want Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager to display
an image when this contact calls, you can remove the image file from the contact.
To remove the image file:
1. Click
beside the Image File Path field.
The image file no longer appears for this contact.
Note: The .BMP file you delete from the contact is not deleted from the computer
hard drive and can be used again later.
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62 Contacts
Use the Note tab to record miscellaneous information about the contact. You can
enter significant dates, recent orders, meeting locations or any information you
want handy when you call the contact.
Adding a caller to the Address Book
When you receive a call, you can add the caller to your Address Book. You must
open the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window before you add a
To add a caller:
1. Click the caller’s icon in the Calls box.
2. Click
A dialog box appears asking you if you want to create a new contact.
3. Click the Yes button.
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
4. Enter the address information for this contact.
For descriptions of the address fields refer to Address Properties dialog box on
5. Click the OK button.
The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address
Tip: If you subscribe to Caller ID service, the telephone number, and name if
available, are automatically entered into the dialog box.
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Finding a contact in the Address Book
The Address Book has a search feature to help you find a contact. You can search
for a contact using the contact’s name or telephone number.
The Search feature operates in two different modes: Slow Search and Quick Search.
In Slow Search mode, you enter the characters you want to find and click the Find
Now button. Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager searches the Address Book to
find the contact. In Quick Search mode, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
starts searching through contacts as soon as you type a character.
To change the Search mode used, refer to Changing the Search preferences on page
Slow Search
To find a contact:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Find Person.
The Search dialog box appears.
2. Type the name or telephone number of the contact you want to find.
3. Click the Find Now button.
A list of the contacts that match the name or number you entered appears in
the Search dialog box.
4. Click the last name of the contact you want.
5. Click the OK button.
The folder containing the contact opens and the selected contact is
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64 Contacts
Quick Search
To find a contact:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Find Person.
The Search dialog box appears.
2. Enter the first character of the name or telephone number of the contact you
want to find.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager compares the letter or number you
entered to the contacts stored in the Address Book. Any contacts that match
the character you entered appear in the bottom of the Search dialog box.
If you have several contacts starting with that character, enter the next
character in the name or telephone number. Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager then displays only the contacts that match both of those characters.
3. Continue entering characters scroll to find the contact in the Search dialog
4. Click the last name of the contact you want.
5. Click the OK button.
The folder containing the contact opens and the selected contact is
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Entering names or numbers
If you know only part of the name or telephone number of the contact you want to
find, you can type the letters or digits you know and the Search feature finds any
contacts that match the information you enter.
If the portion of the name or number you know is at the beginning, type the portion
you know and click the Find Now button. Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
finds any contacts that start with the letters or digits you enter.
If you remember the contact’s first name, but not last name, type a comma followed
by the contact’s first name. For example, if you are looking for a contact named
Tom, type “,Tom”. All of the contacts whose first name is Tom are found.
If the portion you know is not at the start, you can use “wild card” characters at the
start of the name or number. There are two wild card characters you can use:
? Use the question mark to represent any single character.
* Use the asterisk to represent any characters that precede the characters you
For example, the following names are in the Address Book:
Chatterton Jones Mason Smith Stanley Steward Washington
If you enter “S” the names found are Smith, Stanley and Steward.
If you enter “Ste” the only name found is Stewart.
If you enter “?a” the names found are Mason and Washington.
If you enter “??a” the names found are Chatterton and Stanley.
If you enter “*a” the names found are Chatterton, Mason, Stanley, Steward, and
Tip: You can also enter a comma (,) as a special character. This special character
adds a pause between the numbers dialed.
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66 Contacts
Editing the properties of a contact
The information stored with a contact can be changed whenever required. A typical
example is when a contact moves or changes telephone numbers.
To change the properties of a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Find the contact in the Address Book.
You can find the contact manually or use the Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager Search feature.
2. Right-click the contact and then click Properties.
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click the tab that has the information you want to change and then make the
Adding a new contact to the Address Book on page 56 describes the information
that can be entered.
To change the properties of a contact using the toolbar:
1. Find the contact in the Address Book.
You can find the contact manually or use the Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager Search feature.
2. Click the contact.
3. Click
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
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Contacts 67
4. Move to the tab that has the information you want to change and then make
the changes.
Adding a new contact to the Address Book on page 56 describes the information
that can be entered.
To change the properties of a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Find the contact in the Address Book.
You can find the contact manually or use the Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager Search feature.
2. Click the contact.
3. Click the File menu and then click Properties.
The Address Properties dialog box appears.
4. Click the tab that has the information you want to change and then make the
Adding a new contact to the Address Book on page 56 describes the information
that can be entered.
Organizing the Address book
As you add contacts to the Address Book, divide the contacts into logical groups.
This makes it easier for you to find the contacts you enter.
You group the contacts together by adding folders to the Address Book and moving
your contacts into the appropriate folders. A simple example is to add two folders,
one named Personal and one named Business. All of your business contacts are then
stored in the Business folder and all of your personal contacts are stored in the
Personal folder. For more information, refer to Creating a new folder in the Address
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68 Contacts
Copying a contact
When you copy a contact, you create a new contact in the Address Book based on
the original contact. Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager provides two ways to
copy a contact: a linked copy and a template copy. In the linked copy, all of the
information about the contact is copied. In a template copy, all of the information
about the contact except the contact name is copied. In both methods of copying,
the original contact remains in the original folder.
Deciding which copy method to use
The copy method you choose depends on what you want to do. Refer to the table
below to decide which copy method to use.
Copy Methods
Linked Copy
Template Copy
The new contact contains the exact
same information as the original
The new contact has a different name
than the original contact. The other
contact information is the same.
When you change one of the
properties of the contact, Enterprise
Edge Personal Call Manager
automatically updates the original
contact and all of the copies of the
are linked
When you change one of the
properties of the contact, the other
copies are not changed.
Use a linked copy when you want to
have identical copies of a single
Use a template copy to create a new
contact in several different folders. You contact that is similar, but not identical
do this to make the contact easier to
find and organize.
to, an existing contact.
You know a person who is your sales
representative and a member of your
baseball team. Put the original contact
in your Business folder and make a
linked copy of the contact in your
Personal folder. You can then find
contact information for this person
when you are looking for sales
representatives or baseball players. If
this person’s telephone number
changes, you can change either copy
of the contact and both copies are
A new person joins a company you
that you already have a contact for.
The address and telephone number of
the new contact is the same as the
existing contact, but the name is
different. To make a contact for the
new person, make a copy of the
existing contact and change the name.
For information about how to make a linked copy of a contact, refer to Copying a
For information about how to make a template copy of a contact, refer to Copying
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Contacts 69
Copying a contact using the linked copy method
Use this method of copying a contact when you want to create a copy that is linked
to the original contact. For information about the two different methods of copying
To copy a contact using drag and drop, the contact must be visible in the List View
and the folder you are copying it to must be visible in the Tree View. To copy a
1. Press and hold the Control key on your PC keyboard.
2. Drag the contact you want to copy to the new folder.
To copy a contact using the toolbar:
1. Click the contact you want to copy.
2. Click
3. Open the folder you want to copy the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click
The contact is copied to the new folder.
To copy a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the contact you want to copy and then click Copy.
2. Open the folder you want to copy the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
3. Right-click an open area in the folder and then click Paste.
The contact is copied to the new folder.
To copy a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Click the contact you want to copy.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Copy.
3. Open the folder you want to copy the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click the Edit menu and then click Paste.
The contact is copied to the new folder.
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70 Contacts
Copying a contact using the template copy method
Use this method of copying a contact when you want to create a new contact that is
based on an existing contact. All of the contact information except the contact name
is copied to the new contact. This feature allows you to quickly add contacts that
are similar to existing contacts. For information about the two different methods of
To copy a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the contact you want to copy and then click Copy.
2. Open the folder you want to copy the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
3. Right-click one of the contacts in the folder.
The contact click is not affected by the pasting procedure.
4. Click Paste Special.
You are prompted to enter a name.
5. Type the name of the contact and click the OK button.
After the contact is copied into the folder, you can open the contact properties and
change any properties.
To copy a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Click the contact you want to copy.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Copy.
3. Open the folder you want to copy the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click the Edit menu and then click Paste Special.
You are prompted to enter a name.
5. Type the name of the contact and click the OK button.
After the contact is copied into the folder, you can open the contact properties and
change any properties.
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Moving a contact
Contacts can be moved from one folder to another to help organize the Address
Book. When you move a contact, the contact does not remain in the original folder.
To move a contact using drag and drop, the contact must be visible in the List View
and the folder you are moving it to must be visible in the Tree View. To move a
1. Drag the contact you want to copy to the new folder.
To move a contact using the toolbar:
1. Click the contact you want to move.
2. Click
The icon for the contact dims.
3. Open the folder you want to move the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click
The contact is moved to the new folder.
To move a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the contact you want to move and then click Cut.
The icon for the contact dims.
2. Open the folder you want to move the contact into.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
3. Right-click an open area in the folder and then click Paste.
The contact is moved to the new folder.
To move a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Click the contact you want to move.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Cut.
The icon for the contact dims.
3. Open the folder you want to move the contact into.
The contents of the folder appears in the List View box.
4. Click the Edit menu and then click Paste.
The contact is moved to the new folder.
Tip: After you use the Cut command (indicated by the contact icon dimming),
you must use the Paste command to move the contact before using the Cut or
Copy commands again. If you use the Cut or Copy command before pasting
the contact, the contact remains in the original folder and does not move.
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Deleting a contact
To delete a contact using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the contact you want to delete and then click Delete.
To delete a contact using the Menu bar:
1. Click the contact you want to delete.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Delete.
To delete a contact using the keyboard:
1. Click the contact you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete key.
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Printing Contacts
There are two printing formats you can use to print information about any of the
contacts stored in the Address Book. You can print a contact list or contact details.
Printing a contact list
When you print a contact list, the name, company, and telephone numbers stored in
the Address Book for the contact are printed. You can print contact list information
for one or many contacts.
Tip: When printing a contact list, set your page orientation to landscape.
To print a contact list:
1. Click the contacts you want.
Note: Use the Control or Shift keys to select more than one contact.
2. Click the File menu and then click Print Contact List.
3. Click the OK button.
To print a contact list for all of the contacts in a folder:
1. Click the folder or folders that contain the contacts you want to print.
Note: Use the Control or Shift keys to select more than one folder.
2. Click the File menu and then click Print Contact List.
3. Click the OK button.
Print Contact Details
When you print the contact details, all the information in the Address Book for the
selected contact is printed. You can print contact detail information for one or many
To print contact details:
1. Click the contact or contacts you want.
Note: Use the Control or Shift keys to select more than one contact.
2. Click the File menu and then click Print Contact Detail.
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74 Folders
Folders can be added only to the My Contacts section and the folders in the My
Contacts section. You cannot add folders to the Quick Dials section. For more
Creating a new folder in the Address Book
To create a new folder using the right mouse button:
1. Click a folder in the Tree View of the Address Book.
The contents of the selected folder appear in the List View. The new folder is
added to this folder.
2. Right-click an open area in the List View.
3. Point to New and then click Folder.
The Create New Folder dialog box appears.
4. Type the name of the new folder and then click the OK button.
The new folder is added to the selected folder.
When naming the new folder, you must use a name that does not already exist
in the selected folder.
To create a new folder using the toolbar:
1. Click a folder in the Tree View of the Address Book. The contents of the
selected folder appear in the List View. The new folder is added to this folder.
2. Click
The Create New Folder dialog box appears.
3. Type the name of the new folder and then click the OK button.
The new folder is added to the selected folder.
When naming the new folder, you must use a name that does not already exist
in the selected folder.
To create a new folder using the Menu bar:
1. Click a folder in the Tree View of the Address Book. The contents of the
selected folder appear in the List View. The new folder is added to this folder.
2. Click the File menu, point to New and then click Folder.
The Create New Folder dialog box appears.
3. Type the name of the new folder and then click the OK button.
The new folder is added to the selected folder.
When naming the new folder, you must use a name that does not already exist
in the selected folder.
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Folders 75
Copying a folder
When you copy a folder, the folder and all of the contacts and folders contained in
the folder are copied to the new folder.
To copy a folder using drag and drop, the folder must be visible in the List View
and the folder you are moving it to must be visible in the Tree View. To copy a
1. Press and hold the Control key on your PC keyboard.
2. Drag the folder you want to copy to the folder you want it copied to.
The folder must be in the List View box to use the right mouse button. To copy a
folder using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the folder you want to copy and then click Copy.
2. Open the folder you want to copy the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
3. Right-click an open area in the List View box and then click Paste.
To copy a folder using the toolbar:
1. Click the folder you want to copy.
2. Click
3. Open the folder you want to copy the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click
To copy a folder using the Menu bar:
1. Click the folder you want to copy.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Copy.
3. Open the folder you want to copy the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click the Edit menu and then click Paste.
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76 Folders
Moving a folder
Folders can be moved from one enclosing folder to another. When you move a
folder, you move the folder and all of the contacts and folders that it contains.
To move a folder using drag and drop, the folder must be visible in the List View
and the folder you are moving it to must be visible in the Tree View. To move a
1. Drag the folder you are moving to the folder you want it moved to.
To move a folder using the toolbar:
1. Click the folder you want to move.
2. Click
3. Open the folder you want to move the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click
The folder must be in the List View box to use the right mouse button. To move a
folder using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the folder you want to move and then click Cut.
2. Open the folder you want to move the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
3. Right-click an open area in the folder and then click Paste.
To move a folder using the Menu bar:
1. Click the folder you want to move.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Cut.
3. Open the folder you want to move the folder to.
The contents of the folder appear in the List View box.
4. Click the Edit menu and then click Paste.
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Renaming a folder
To change the name of a folder using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the folder you want to rename and then click Properties.
The Folder Property dialog box appears.
2. Type the new name of the folder and then click the OK button.
To change the name of a folder using the toolbar:
1. Click the folder you want to rename.
2. Click
The Folder Property dialog box appears.
3. Type the new name of the folder and then click the OK button.
To change the name of a folder using the Menu bar:
1. Click the folder you want to rename.
2. Click the File menu and then click Properties.
The Folder Property dialog box appears.
3. Type the new name of the folder and then click the OK button.
Deleting a folder
When you delete a folder, the folder and all the contacts and folders contained in
the folder are deleted.
To delete a folder using the right mouse button:
1. Right-click the folder you want to delete and then click Delete.
2. Click the OK button to confirm deleting the folder and its contents.
To delete a folder using the Menu bar:
1. Click the folder you want to delete.
2. Click the Edit menu and then click Delete.
3. Click the OK button to confirm deleting the folder and its contents.
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Importing Contacts
If you have a list of contacts in another application, you can save your list of
contacts as a text file and then import those contacts into Enterprise Edge Personal
Call Manager.
To import addresses:
1. Open the application that contains your existing contact list and save the list
as a comma delimited text file. Make a note of the order of the information
fields in the existing file.
Note: Refer to the documentation that came with the application for
instructions on how to save the contact list as a comma delimited text
2. Open the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager main window.
3. Click the File menu and then click Import Address.
The Import address from text file dialog box appears.
4. Click
to choose the file you want to import.
The Open dialog box appears.
5. Move to the folder that contains the file you want to import.
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6. Double-click the file you want to import.
The Import address from text file dialog box appears with the path and file
name in the Source Text File field.
7. Click the Last Name list box and then click the text field number that
contains the last name information.
Note: The text field number is determined by the order the information is in
when you save the file in step 1.
8. Repeat step 7 for each of the information fields. Choose None if the
information for the field is not in the file you are importing.
9. Click the Import button.
The contacts from the text file are added to your Address Book. You can now move
the new contacts into their folders.
Exporting the Contacts
You can save all of the contacts in your Address Book into a comma delimited text
file. You can use this file in other applications. For example, you may want to add
your contacts to a customer database or use the contacts to create a mailing list.
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To export contacts:
1. Click the File menu and then click Export Address.
The Export address into a text file dialog box appears.
2. Click
to enter the name of the text file.
The Save as dialog box appears.
3. Move to the folder you want to store the text file in.
4. In the File name box type the file name.
5. Click the Save button.
The Export address into text file dialog box appears with the path and file
name in the Destination Text File field.
6. In the Field 1 list box select the information you want to appear in the first
field of the text file (e.g. Last Name).
7. Repeat step 6 until all of the fields show the information you want. For any
field you do not want information in, click None.
Note: Only one type of information can appear in each box.
8. Click the Export button.
All the contacts in the Address Book are saved to a comma delimited text file.
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Adding Quick Dials 81
Quick Dials
The Address Book is divided into two mains sections: My Contacts and Quick
Dials. The My Contacts section stores your contacts. The Quick Dials section used
stores contacts that you use frequently or need to access quickly.
The contacts you add to the Quick Dials section are automatically added to the
Quick Dials menu. You can access the Quick Dials menu from the Calls menu or
the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray menu.
Adding Quick Dials
To add a Quick Dial, add the contact to the Quick Dials section of the Address
Book. Any of the methods described earlier to add a contact can be used to add
Quick Dials.
Displaying the information about Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager
The About Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager window shows the version
number of the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager software you are using.
To access the About Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager window:
1. Click the Help menu and then click About Director.
1. Click
Synchronization with the telephone
Common call control operations can be performed on either the telephone or on
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager. For example, to end a call you can press
the Rls (Release) key on the telephone or click Release in Enterprise Edge Personal
Call Manager.
Any telephone programming you use to customize your telephone is not
synchronized. For example, the personal speed dials programmed on the telephone
are not automatically copied into Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
82 Accessing context-sensitive Help
Accessing Help
Accessing context-sensitive Help
You can access context-sensitive Help by pressing the F1 key. The Help
information that appears is about the currently active window, dialog box or menu
Opening the Help contents screen
You can access Help from the Menu bar. To access the Help main window:
1. Click the Help menu and then click Help topics.
The main Help window gives you access to all of the help information.
Use the Contents tab, to view the Help topics. To go to one of the topics, double-
click the topic.
Use the Index tab, to view an alphabetically sorted list of Help topics. The topics on
the Index tab are more detailed than the topics on the Contents tab. To go to a topic,
click the topic.
Use Find tab to enter a word or topic you need help information about. The Find
feature searches through the Help information and displays information about the
word or topic you enter.
Accessing the Tip of the Day
The Tip of the Day window shows helpful information about how to use Enterprise
Edge Personal Call Manager.
To display the Tip of the Day window:
1. Click the Help menu and then click Tip of the Day.
Turning the Tip of the Day off
The Tip of the Day window appears when you start Enterprise Edge Personal Call
To turn the Tip of the Day off:
1. Click the Help menu and then click Tip of the Day.
2. Clear the Show Tips at Startup check box.
When the Show Tips at Startup check box is empty, the Tip of the Day window does
not appear when you start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
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Accessing the Tip of the Day 83
Turning the Tip of the Day on
To turn the Tip of the Day on:
1. Click the Help menu and then click Tip of the Day.
2. Select the Show Tips at Startup check box.
When the Show Tips at Startup check box contains a check mark, the Tip of the Day
window appears when you start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
84 Changing the Search preferences
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager preferences determine how the Address
Book is searched, how Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager appears when you
start it up, and whether the dialing rules are used.
Changing the Search preferences
The Search feature operates in one of two different modes: Slow Search and Quick
Search. In Slow Search mode, you type the characters you want to find and click the
Find Now button. Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager searches through the
Address Book to find the contact. In Quick Search mode, Enterprise Edge Personal
Call Manager starts searching through the contacts as soon as you type a character.
Tip: If you plan on using the Quick Search mode, your computer must have a
Pentium processor or better. If you use a slower processor, Fast Search is
To change the Search mode from the Menu bar:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Search Option you want to use.
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Changing the Startup Option 85
To change the Search mode from the task tray:
1. Right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon and then
click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Search Option you want to use.
Changing the Startup Option
The Startup Option determines if the main window is open or minimized when you
start Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
To change the Startup Option from the Menu bar:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Startup Option you want to use.
To change the Startup Option from the task tray:
1. Right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon and then
click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Startup Option you want to use.
Changing the Dialing Rule Setting
The Dialing Rule Setting determines if the dialing properties entered in the Dialing
Properties dialog box are used. This feature is enabled by default.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
86 Changing the Caller’s Record Display Setting
When the Dialing Rule Setting is enabled, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
uses dialing properties, such as the local area code and the outside line access code,
when making a call. When the Dialing Rule Setting is disabled, Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager does not use the dialing properties and you must manually
enter any additional dialing information, such as the outside line access code.
To change the Dialing Rule Setting from the Menu bar:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Use Rules defined in the Dialing Property Dialog check box to
change the setting.
To change the Dialing Rule Setting from the task tray:
1. Right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon and then
click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Use Rules defined in the Dialing Property Dialog check box to
change the setting.
Changing the Caller’s Record Display Setting
When the Caller’s Record Display Setting is on, Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager compares the incoming telephone number to the entries in the Address
Book. If a match is found, the Notes tab of the Address Properties dialog box
appears showing the information for the caller. If a match is not found, a message
appears asking if you want to add the caller to the Address Book.
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Changing the Caller’s Record Display Setting 87
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager receives the incoming telephone number
only if:
You subscribe to a Caller ID (CLID) service.
You are receiving an internal call through Enterprise Edge.
To change Caller’s Record Display Setting from the Menu bar:
1. Click the Tools menu and then click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Auto display contact’s notes page upon answering the call check
box to change the setting.
To change the Dialing Rule Setting from the task tray:
1. Right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon and then
click Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Auto display contact’s notes page upon answering the call check
box to change the setting.
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Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
88 Changing the Caller’s Record Display Setting
Quitting Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
You can quit Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager from the task tray or the main
To quit Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager using the task tray:
1. Right-click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon and then
click Exit.
To quit Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager using the main window:
1. Click the File menu and then click Exit.
You can also quit Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager by clicking the close
button in the upper right corner of the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
Removing Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
In certain situations, you may want to remove Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager from your computer. For example, when you get a new computer you
want to move Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager to the new computer. The
Uninstall program makes sure all of the files that comprise Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager are removed from the computer hard disk.
Tip: If you are moving Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager to a new
computer, make a copy of the PCMAddressBook.mdb file before you
remove Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager. You can then copy this file
to the new computer where Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager is
installed. This copies all of the contacts you have added to the Address Book
to the new computer.
To remove the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager software:
1. Make sure you have quit Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
2. Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings and then click Control
3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
4. Click Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
5. Click the Add/Remove button.
All of the files associated with Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager are removed
from your computer hard drive.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
Address Book
The portion of Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager where you store the
telephone numbers and addresses of people and businesses.
Call Forward
A feature that forwards all the calls arriving at your telephone to another telephone.
Calling Line Identification (CLID)
A service provided by the telephone company that allows you to see the caller’s
telephone number and in some cases the caller’s name. If you subscribe to this
service, Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager can then show you the caller’s
name or telephone number on the computer screen.
A contact is any entry in the Address Book. A contact can be a person, business, or
any number or address you want stored in Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
Dialing properties
The dialing properties define where you are situated and what is required to dial
from this location.
Do Not Disturb
A feature that stops calls from ringing at your telephone. The You Have a New Call
dialog box still appears.
Enterprise Edge TSP
The application that provides Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager with access
to the TAPI functions.
Extension name
The name used to identify your telephone on the Enterprise Edge system.
A feature you can use to make calls without using the telephone handset.
A graphic symbol used to represent an object (such a contact or call) or a task (such
as manual dialing) in Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
List View
The portion of the Address Book that shows the contacts and folders stored in the
selected folder.
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Menu bar
The menu bar shows the menus available from the main window.
PC (Personal Computer)
A Windows® compatible computer that runs the Enterprise Edge Personal Call
Manager software.
Quick dials
A group of telephone numbers that you can call by selecting a menu item.
Status bar
An area at the bottom of the computer screen which provides information messages
about Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager.
TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface. It is a set of
programming tools that allows Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager to
communicate with the telephone system.
TAPI line
The telephone line that Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager uses to make a call.
Task tray
An area in the bottom right hand corner of the PC screen. It contains the Enterprise
Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon which is used to perform several
common call control functions.
An area at the bottom of the computer screen. It contains the Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager taskbar icon that is used to maximize the Enterprise Edge
Personal Call Manager Window or bring it to the foreground.
Tool bar
The tool bar contains several buttons that provide quick and easy access to
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager functions.
Tree View
The portion of the Address Book that shows how the folders used to store the
contacts are organized.
Wild card character
A special character that can be used represent any letter or number.
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
prime telephone number 29
returning 32
icons 54
list view 55
tree view 54
Address of contact 58
Answering a call
ending 48
Answering a held conference call
creating 44
ending 47
splitting 46
address 58
cutting 71
moving 71
About 15
Copy 15
Cut 15
Find Person 15
name 58
telephone number 58
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
about 81
exiting 88
quitting 88
removing 88
Main window
closing 18
components 13
opening 13
Exiting Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager
copying 75
cutting 76
moving 76
opening 82
On-line help
opening 82
list 33
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
P0908542 Issue 01
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